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Photographer stalking

In an attempt to write a blog and hope *fingers crossed* that posting this won't dissuade my valued fans from hiring me as their beloved photographer one day- :p

I'd like to single out three individual Photographers who have enlightened my every day with their beautiful photographs, words of wisdom, rantings, teachings, and insight within their daily blogs posts.
I'll be honest- I look at them, read their words, see their work, and I almost always want to be everything they are and everything I am not. 
Seriously. I love everything these women are. Not to sound creepy. They are ingenious at what they have chosen to do with their lives, and who they have chosen to be.

I LOVE these ladies with all my ♥heart. And I'm pretty positive not a one of them know's this. 
As really... I don't even know them. :p I just stalk their blogs/websites and fawn over the idea of one day meeting them and gleaning from their wealth of photography knowledge and talents.
You all are Amazing!
You teach me about Art, love, business, family, self respect, courage, faith, along with a million trillion other things.. every time I look at your photography blogs.
Your work and words kick me in the butt and say "Do something that scares you, because you love it."

Before I tell you who they are.. this is not to say their are not a thousand others whom I also stalk.. haha.. and whom have outstanding talent.. such as Jasmine Star, Ryan Romieke, Promise Tangeman, etc etc.
Basically I'm in Love with the entirety of the world of photographers and photography.

Drum Roll Please........


and p.s. My blog is acting fussy with Pictures again.. so links will have to do. Trust me- you'll want to see their work.


  1. I love the line "Do something that scares you, because you love it!"

    I believe you have the potential to be just as good as these other photographers and even better.

  2. Shaina I Did love there work and I can see how you are inspired by them... But.. I am sorry I will always be completely your stalker... your work is too good!

  3. Thank you both! Completely sweet of you. :)

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