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Goodbye 2010

@ The start of 2011
My first favorite song in 2011:  Pocket Change by Josh Damigo. I couldn't find a great link to it, so this will have to do. Check it,
My two Favorite bands in 2011: Parachute And Hawk Nelson
 ( recently obsessed with Christian Rock )

Hello! In with the New, Out with the Old, as they say. Eh?
2010 was an epic year for me. I learned so many wonderful lessons from those 'just as wonderful' people in my life; I came, i saw, i conquered. :p
I'd like to relive the year of 2010, in no particular order, through a nostalgic entry of pictures and short phrases. I won't miss you 2010. But I do love you. Thank you for being so good to me.. on an average day. ;)

1: My very First Concert. Camera Can't Lie, Runner Runner, & Secondhand Serenade.

 2: We built a lasting relationship.
3: I drove to SLC three times. Once to be a date at a ball. Once was a trip too devastating, and the third time; to watch my first love, marry his best friend. 

This was not my date. lol.
 4: My heart got Broken. & a name began to haunt me. 
5: I sold my beloved car "Gilapee" to my Ma.

 6: I moved to Michigan

   7: I moved to Hawai'i with my best friend & met my dearest friends. 

 8: I threw away a book for the first time, because it was entirely not worth reading. :o
9: I ran my very first 5K ( i'm not a runner- this was a grand feat! )
10: I met a new realm of family I didn't know I had. 
 11: I found my very first Southern Utah Scorpion & watched him battle a ginormous Beetle.

12: I was set up on 2 very awful dates. :p 

13: I did 30 Photo Shoots. I was in 4 of those Photo Shoots.

14: I changed my logo, my blog and my photography name, 3 times. 

15: I made it through 9 weeks of P90x. ( still going )

16: I Dyed my hair for the first time in 2 1/2 years. and Red, for the first time.  ( even though it didnt look red )
 17: I turned 23 Years Young. 

 18: I moved from my brothers, to Michigan, To Hawai'i, To uncles, to Cousin Dan's, To Uncles again, Couch Surfed 3 times, Moved to my Ma's, To my Brothers, To my Pa's. 
  19: This year I flew on 9 different planes, and spent 32 hours in airports, including one sleepless night in the Vegas airport. 
 20: I met a Blue man, who became my friend Patrick. :) ( note the stained blue eyelashes lol )
21: I spent an entire day in a banyan tree, we lovingly named "Banyan"

 22: I started writing a new book. "Here’s to the man who walked on the stage of my heart...…and kept on going"

I have much more to add... But I think i'll take a break and come back later. :)
Time to begin on my new "read 250 books in 2011" resolution. =)

Happy New Year All. 


  1. Your comment on the pic with Myranda made me laugh so hard. ha ha ha.

    Oh, one more thing: <3 redheads.

  2. really did have an epic year...full of ups and downs, ins and outs, much travel...and much change...It will be interesting to see what 2011 has for us all...I believe REALLY great things! I too have been obsessed with Christian rock recently;) I love you !! You are so wise and wonderful to keep your life journaled in keep ALL our lives journaled in pictures! (thank goodness....for at least someday , someone will know we all existed...because of you!...I ask only one thing of you this year...that you take more of I can be chronicled in your lives too...I'm missing in so much of the pics. Probably because I never wanted to be pictured in my "fat"...but I don't care now...because I have decided ... my journey to health, well being and fitness should be shown!! LOL) xoxo
